The Challenges Using Office Tools

Using Excel and Word for managing project requirements presents challenges, such as poor traceability, cumbersome version control, and lack of specialized features like risk management. Specialized tools like Orcanos provide advanced capabilities for requirements management, enhancing efficiency and reducing project risks. Transitioning to such tools from Excel and Word is recommended for better project outcomes. For more information, visit

Requirements Management Plan (RMP)

This lesson covers requirements management tools, emphasizing their adaptability, customization, and systematic organization for diverse project needs.

It highlights the importance of traceability, collaboration, and change management to enhance project success.

Key features include custom attributes, roles, permissions, e-signature, and document management tools.

The focus is on structured processes, stakeholder alignment, and effective change implementation to avoid project chaos.

Requirements Traceability - Concepts and Application

Welcome to "Understanding Requirements and Traceability" in Orcanos. This online course equips you with essential skills to manage and trace requirements, focusing on their critical role and best practices for project success. Ideal for project and product managers, and quality assurance professionals, it guides you through optimizing project efficiency. Unlock your potential in project execution and product development with us.

Requirements Approval Process
  • Introduction to Requirement Approval Process
  • Setting Up Approval Workflows
  • Role-Based Approval Mechanisms
  • Approval Workflow in Action
  • Impact of Requirement Changes
  • Notifications and Alerts
  • Managing Suspect Requirements
  • Best Practices for Approval Workflows
  • Orcanos Requirement Approval Process Capabilities

Control & Governance

Dashboards for requirement management offer a centralized view of project metrics, enhancing visibility and control. They allow you to track the status of requirements at various levels—folder, user, and project. Benefits include real-time updates, streamlined approval workflows, and improved traceability. By using dashboards, teams can quickly identify bottlenecks, ensure compliance, and maintain project health, leading to more efficient and successful project outcomes. 

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Collaboration in Distributed Project

A centralized database enhances collaboration and transparency by enabling real-time access and updates for all team members. It streamlines feedback, improves version control, and allows efficient role-based access. This ensures everyone works with the latest information, fostering better communication and accountability in projects.